Monday 30 May 2016

Staying Calm Under Pressure

We all know what it's like to feel stressed, uptight and on edge.

When we are in this state we tend to react quickly and usually badly to events, people and situations. We often say or do things in ‘the heat of the moment’ that we later regret.

Imagine if we had our very own super power which we could employ to stop the stress before it took us hostage.  A de-stress button which we could press giving us almost instant composure and clarity of mind to handle ourselves well in any situation. This may sound too good to be true, yet it is true and we do have the power to take back control of ourselves.

I recently watched this wonderful video from Dr Mithou Storoni on the Science of Breathing.  Dr Storoni talks about the effectiveness of breathing to keep the mind calm therefore enabling us to make much better decisions in the face of stress as we progress through our day to day activities.

Knowing how to harness the power of our own breath when we feel the stress rise within us like the red line on a thermometer going up and up, is a game changer.  Using such a simple tool, as our breath, which we all carry with us, all day every day, can make the world of difference to the quality of our lives.  What's more it's free.

I have noticed a huge difference in myself since I started a daily breathing meditation practice. I do Kriya Kundalini Breathing and things which used get under my skin simply no longer bother me. What's more I really notice the difference in my friends and family who alas are still allowing their own stress response to hold them hostage to anxiety. Although I have shared my findings and experiences with them alas they don't keep up with their breathing meditation practice and therefore when they need it most they forget to use it and anxiety strikes them again and again. Knowing how to do conscious breathing and  breathing meditation is one thing and doing it is another.

The next time you feel stressed or anxious remember to breath deeply and slowly  :)

Namaste, Caroline

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